Schmoyer Strong

Schmoyer Strong

Companies often tout the idea of being “like a family” when describing their work environment and the relationships between employees. At River Rock Academy’s Red Lion Campus, the staff have shown this concept is more than just an inspirational talking point. When long time employee, Brian Schmoyer, tragically and unexpectedly lost his wife shortly after the holidays, his loss was felt by everyone. A galvanized effort to pour comfort and well-being onto a friend in need was employed without question or mandate. Just like we teach our students, fostering a community of care is a foundational approach to building any successful organization and the community at River Rock Academy lived up to this ideal. From the respite offered by a timely check-in, to the levity of a much-needed laugh, the right people will always be there to provide the relief necessary at the perfect moment. In the darkest moments of life, love and the support of cherished relationships shine brightest. No place is this more evident than our Red Lion campus, where the staff-wide shouts of “SCHMOYER STRONG” still echo through the halls of our small campus.

A 5k in honor of Carrie Schmoyer is being held on May 3, 2025. You can find more information here: